We regret that we will not be able to open for the 2021-2022 season. Circumstances and the capital required have prevented opening as we had planned. We will still be in the area scouting out trails and possible rides that we might offer in the future. We hope that you enjoy your time in Quartzsite and keep us in mind for future years.

Do you think you are ready to have a great time exploring the Sonoran desert? Make sure you are prepared to tackle the harsh desert environment like a pro by following some of these simple tips.

Pro Tip: 

Freeze several bottles of water for you the night before your trip. Then, as they start to thaw, you will have ice-cold water all day! We recommend 3-4 bottles of water per person.

Pro Tip: 

Grab your phone charger and cord from the car and take it with you. Your phone battery can drain quickly while searching for service. Having the phone charger and cord handy will help you keep your phone charged and allow you to get those great pictures and videos.

Pro Tip: 

Speaking of pictures, ask your guide to take a picture of you or your group. They take great pictures and are more than happy to help you create a memory of your trip!

Pro Tip: 

Wear solid hiking shoes if you have them. Most tours offer 2-3 stops to get out and explore. Having sturdy shoes will help you navigate the rocks and terrain.

Pro Tip: 

Bring extra clothing. Not only do you want to bring along a jacket, hoodie, or even a sweater to put on when the wind kicks up and the temperature drops, but the trails are dusty, and when you get back to your car, you might want to change clothes before heading home.

Pro Tip: 

Bring Snacks! You can even bring along a small cooler and sandwiches if you want. 3-4 hours might not seem like a long time, but you never know if or when something unexpected might occur. Being prepared means having something just in case you need it.

Pro Tip: 

Protect yourself from the sun. The harsh UV rays of the sun seem to be magnified in the desert. A long-sleeved shirt, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen can all ensure you don’t spend the days following your ride in pain from getting sunburned on the trails.

For more information on planning your ride check out “Plan Your Ride.” If you have your own Pro Tip, idea, or suggestion, share it with us, you can reach us on Facebook or simply fill out our Comment Form.