We regret that we will not be able to open for the 2021-2022 season. Circumstances and the capital required have prevented opening as we had planned. We will still be in the area scouting out trails and possible rides that we might offer in the future. We hope that you enjoy your time in Quartzsite and keep us in mind for future years.

Privacy Policy

We have updated our Privacy Policy to be in compliance with whatever we are supposed to comply with. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and don’t just skip ahead for the cookies at the end.  

Your Personal Information

Please don’t send us your personal information. We do not want your personal information. We have a hard enough time keeping track of our own personal information, let alone yours.  

If you tell us your name or any identifying information, we will forget it immediately. The next time we see you, we’ll struggle to remember who you are and try desperately to get through the conversation so we can go online and figure it out. We are sure we can find your name on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Instagram or OnlyFans.

Tracking Pixels, Cookies, and Beacons.

This website places pixels on your screen to form text and images, some of which may remain in the memory of your device after you close the page. We use cookies to enhance your performance. Our website may use local storage on your device if we run low on space on our end. If we use beacons, we are probably calling Rohan for aid and, at that point, have more pressing things to worry about.

Is Your Information Really Private?

This page may use third-party extensions. For example, we use PEEK.com, a leading online booking management software, to allow you to book your ride online. They offer secure checkout to ensure your data is protected. However, we are not in control of their privacy policy. You can read it for yourself here. If you found us through google, they know you are here, and who knows what they will do with your information. Having said that, I’m sure the CIA probably knows you are here too. If I were you, I’d check out their privacy policy as well.

Scope and Limitations

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This website is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. But we figure getting out, enjoying the fresh air while having some fun in the desert doesn’t hurt either.

As promised……