We regret that we will not be able to open for the 2021-2022 season. Circumstances and the capital required have prevented opening as we had planned. We will still be in the area scouting out trails and possible rides that we might offer in the future. We hope that you enjoy your time in Quartzsite and keep us in mind for future years.

Your safety is our #1 Priority. We publish our rules & expectations so you know what is and isn’t acceptable during your ride. By following our rules and obeying your guide, you help make the ride safer and more enjoyable for everyone. You will also receive a copy of these rules & expectations when you purchase your tickets. 

Safety Protection

Eye protection and seat belts are required and must always be worn while the UTV is in motion. All participants must remain on the designated trails and follow their guides at all times. Keeping a reasonable distance between you and the UTV in front of you will give you a safe stopping distance. This will also ensure the group does not get too spread out.

Following Your Guide

Your guide will set the pace of the ride. At times you may be cruising along a flat desert trail, and at other times you may be slowly crawling over jagged rocks. Due to the constant changing of trail conditions, always follow the path taken by your trail guide.

You are required to remain in a single file line. Do not ride beside another UTV, and do not pass the UTV in front of you. This allows your guide to look back and determine if someone is having a hard time keeping up or to see if someone is having a problem.

In the unlikely event, you get separated from your group; you should stop immediately and wait for your guide to return. Do not try and guess which way your guide went. Just stay put. They know what trails they have been on but have no idea where you might go. Likewise, if you notice a problem with your machine at any time during the ride, stop. The guide will realize there is an issue and will come back to give you a hand.

Horse Play Policy

To ensure the safety of our guests and our guides, we have a No Horse Play Policy. We will not tolerate anyone operating their machine in a manner that may create an unsafe condition for you or those around you.

This includes drifting around corners, coming out of the corners hot or slowing down, and speeding up outside of what the group is doing. Your trail guide reserves the right to remove anyone who is unable or chooses not to operate their UTV in a consistently safe manner. If you are caught behaving recklessly, we will give you a warning. If the behavior continues, your guide may stop the ride, and you may be liable for a safety deposit before the ride continues. Anyone who demonstrates negligence in operating their UTV or violates these rules & expectations will be required to ride as a passenger and will NOT be eligible for a refund. Riding a UTV can be a dangerous activity, but by following our rules and obeying your guide, we reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

Other Considerations

In the event of a rollover, keep your hands and legs inside of the roll cage. If you wreck or damage the UTV in any way outside of what would be considered normal wear and tear, you are responsible for paying for that damage before you leave.


Remember the following points.

  • Always wear your safety goggles and seat belt.
  • Remain in a single file line and follow your guide’s path.
  • Keep up with the guide but maintain a reasonable distance.
  • If you get separated from your group, stop.
  • Do not horseplay or behave recklessly.
  • Reckless behavior could result in a damage deposit being necessary.
  • You break it. You buy it.